Environmental and Zoning Law in California
Our team of experienced attorneys at Borton Petrini, LLP, offers years of expertise in environmental and zoning law in California.
Borton Petrini, LLP, environmental attorneys practice before virtually every commission and environmental regulatory agency at the local, state, and federal level, ensuring client support and guidance through any type of environmental regulatory need.
We provide effective, comprehensive support for clients facing environmental problems or trying to avoid them. Our attorneys who practice environmental and zoning law in California are experienced in every phase of environmental compliance and preparation, from CERCLA and RCRA implications to CEQA and NEPA analysis, counseling, and litigation.
We’re thoroughly schooled in AB 939 compliance, strategies, and implementation, as well as real estate transactions and indemnification, airport land use compatibility issues, Federal and State EPA issues, and Endangered Species Act compliance.
We also provide a full range of Zoning & Land Use Law services that cover such diversified areas as endangered species mitigation requirements, planning, zoning, conditional use permitting issues, and environmental impact analysis requirements.
If you need representation regarding any aspect of environmental and zoning law in California, reach out to our team to determine next steps.
Environmental and Zoning Law Attorneys
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