Our attorneys offer proven expertise in civil litigation, family law, bankruptcy, estate and tax planning, land use, insurance law, corporate law, employment law, public entity, water law, intellectual property, professional liability, environmental and healthcare law, and dozens of other important areas.
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The Borton Petrini Mission
For more than 120 years, Borton Petrini, LLP’s California lawyers have been providing legal services in a variety of specialties statewide. Our Firm is an unrivaled leader in California law, featuring an array of legal professionals who have obtained unparalleled results for our clients. We treat every file as if we were the client and paying the legal bill.
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10 Offices Throughout California
The Borton Petrini Mission
For more than 120 years, Borton Petrini, LLP’s California lawyers have been providing legal services in a variety of specialties statewide. Our Firm is an unrivaled leader in California law, featuring an array of legal professionals who have obtained unparalleled results for our clients. We treat every file as if we were the client and paying the legal bill.